View Full Version : Green Cory Paleatus - I was wrong

September 11th, 2010, 08:34 AM
I owe a Public Apology to Bill "the Betta guy". (Sorry I don't know his last name, but he serves as auctioneer at many of our auctions and he has been raising B. splendens for many years). He told me at the September 2010 meeting that he had green Corydorus paleatus and I said bull. Since I have bred C. paleatus and have had them for many years I thought I was familiar with all their color variations, including the albino.

I was wrong, there are green tinted, iridescent C. paleatus with only minor dark "pepper" spotting on them as well as cream colored C. paleatus with larger dark spotting on the body.

Sorry I didn't believe you. I learned a lesson, fish, like people, come in all shapes, sizes and colors.


September 11th, 2010, 11:55 PM
Bill Amely is good like that