View Full Version : Cichlid Profiles - Aequidens coeruleopunctatus

June 21st, 2013, 08:26 PM
This is a Cenral American Acara, found in Costa Rica and Panama and closely related to A. triseriatus. It has no common name.It can be brown gold, orange or nearly black and white. It has the typical Acara dark midbody splotch which may be surrounded by white or yellow bars and the green iridescent sqiggles on its chin. It may have a caudal peduncle spot as well. It may have blue green pearls on the scales and wine colored fins. It has a black stripe under the eye. It gets about 5 inches long.

This is a stagnant and slow moving water resident of small rivulets and ponds. They tolerate 72-81 degrees, slightly harder water than most Acaras (GH 15), and pH 7 to 7.5 They live in close association with plants, but do dig some up to nest. In captivity, they can be kept in a 30 gallon tank with rock hides, flat stones and plants. They are omnivores who eat mostly insects and flakes in captivity. They are very peaceful.