View Full Version : Childi Profiles - Amphilophus xiloensis

July 16th, 2013, 02:03 PM
Another recently evolved 6-9 inch Midas offshoot endemic to Laguna Xiloa. Iinformation on it is scant, but is has 2 color morphs, one banded one that looks like a smaller A. amarillo, with 7 dark vertical body bars and a beige ground color plus a splotch on th caudal penduncle and 2 more on the face, and a white or white and gold morph. Some are piebald grey gold and white. They are sometimes aggressive to ther species, others are not.

In cativity needs Lake Xiloa conditions: 74-80 degrees, pH 7, hard water. Ca be kept with other similar species. They should be kept in a large tank with rock hides. they will destroy soft plants, but will tolerate Java Fern. Photos at "Images of Amphilophus xiloensis." They are hard to breed as they fight conspecifically.