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elcue January 16th, 2015 11:39 PM

Epiplatys togolensis

Originally Posted by dsuperman (Post 4437)
Geez, now i can't use the slapface smiley. Yeah, i've been there many times overfeeding and underfeeding fry. You are brave with those killie eggs, good luck.:slap:

Worked out well. I used the Marina Hang-On Breeding Box w/ an airstone, until they hatched. Then I pulled the stone and hooked up the air as its meant to be used, w/ the addition of a piece of sponge to block the overflow. Didn't do too bad, 22 of the 30 that I had pulled, hatched. :fishy::fishy: Probably twice as many hiding in the tank...

dsuperman January 17th, 2015 11:09 AM
Are these what you have? Thats a sharp looking killie. 22/30 is a great batting avg.,those Marina,s really are great. Good luck.:wave:

elcue January 17th, 2015 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by dsuperman (Post 4444)
Are these what you have? Thats a sharp looking killie. 22/30 is a great batting avg.,those Marina,s really are great. Good luck.:wave:

Yes that's them, according to this link that's a synonym ; They're nice fish, I'll save you some if you'd like. I just thought of where I can keep them for you :rofl2::rofl2:

Did you happen to see the video after the one you linked to?, very interesting.


dsuperman January 17th, 2015 04:38 PM

I did skim through that next video,i will be watching it in full. Thats a whole nother ballgame. Thank you , but nono on the killies, i couldn't take the pressure.:wave:

elcue January 23rd, 2015 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by dsuperman (Post 4446)
Thank you , but nono on the killies, i couldn't take the pressure.:wave:

:chuckle: They have valves for that...

elcue January 23rd, 2015 03:37 PM

C stenocephalus fry
So this happened today...


dsuperman January 23rd, 2015 09:15 PM

Wow! Thats a lotta fry! You breed nice stuff. Congratulations. Now get to work!:bow2:

elcue January 24th, 2015 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by dsuperman (Post 4451)
Wow! Thats a lotta fry! You breed nice stuff. Congratulations. Now get to work!:bow2:


Originally Posted by elcue (Post 4450)

Thank you, good thing I don't have to name then :chuckle: I pulled over 300 eggs, never thinking that they would all hatch, but almost all did. Did the same as I did w/ the killies.. I used the Marina Hang-On Breeding Box w/ an airstone, until they hatched. Then I pulled the stone and hooked up the air as its meant to be used, w/ the addition of a piece of course foam to block the overflow. After I pulled the eggs, I replaced the water w/ tapwater - no chemicals. I just fed them w/ microworms, might have been a bit premature, but some had already used their yolk sac...


dsuperman January 24th, 2015 08:31 PM

Thats a great yield from that group, i was lucky to get 30 from my paleatus group [7?] last time. Thats a nice tip [nyc tap water] i gotta try it. Now get back to work,you need more tanks!:wave:

elcue January 29th, 2015 04:23 PM

C stenocephalus fry
Update... six days old w/ bellies full of baby brine shrimp!



dsuperman January 29th, 2015 08:37 PM

Nice pic, i can see those orange bellies.Gotta love cories.:rockout:

dsuperman January 31st, 2015 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by elcue (Post 4445)
Yes that's them, according to this link that's a synonym ; They're nice fish, I'll save you some if you'd like. I just thought of where I can keep them for you :rofl2::rofl2:

Did you happen to see the video after the one you linked to?, very interesting.


That was an interesting video, you would think one would be limited living on an island, but not him.

dsuperman February 3rd, 2015 10:48 PM

Betta Ocellata spawning. 2/3/2015.
With a little more room now in that tank and full grown,they decided to go ahead and spawn. :slap:

elcue February 4th, 2015 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by dsuperman (Post 4462)
With a little more room now in that tank and full grown,they decided to go ahead and spawn. :slap:

Very nice. Did he pock up the eggs in the sequel? :chuckle: Some good info too!, your spawning adults were eggs 7/26 - nice, spawning at six months :rockout:


dsuperman February 4th, 2015 09:32 PM

That WAS the sequel,the male looked like he was having a lil trouble picking up the eggs in that lil bit of gravel. i couldn't figure out how to combine the two on youtube. Heres the prequel
Today i removed the male to a five gal. by himself.In the spawning tank the one pleco and some of the other bettas seemed very interested in the spot where this male was hanging out.
Weird, not many here breed fish? You,me..
:bonk: the person who started this thread[ reminds me of Don Knotts?]:scratchhead:

elcue February 5th, 2015 07:17 PM

Safer to move him. I only had a pair; when she was ready to spawn again, she'd pester him, and they'd spawn again. Still not sure if he would always drop/eat the eggs to spawn again, or if he'd spawn again and have two spawns in his mouth. Probably both options depending on how much room he had in his mouth. The last spawning session, I pulled the female, left him alone in the tank. He released fry, and a week later I was seeing much smaller fry in the tank, so I'm sure he had two spawns...

There are a few breeders that I'm aware of , maybe like me they hate to type, or maybe it's secret stuff, That's it - secret stuff.

Oh, by the way...nice gravel :D . Your time in the hobby is showing :shock2:


dsuperman February 5th, 2015 10:11 PM

Wow,he has skills with his mouth! I thought they either ate them or they didn't. That gravel is my 50 year blend,its secret stuff.:slap: It is hard on the eyes, maybe that male spawned just to get outta dere!:fishy:
How are you doing with those corydorus snufflelufigus?

elcue February 6th, 2015 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by dsuperman (Post 4468)
How are you doing with those corydorus snufflelufigus?

They're doing well, all have nice fat bellies. Lost 7 during the first few days of feeding, no losses since. The adults kinda look like c. aeneus but w/ a longer snout, very active/prolific (they're keeping my cichlids well supplied w/ eggs) I'll save some fry for you.


elcue February 8th, 2015 03:01 PM

C stenocephalus fry - 16 days
Feeding time :shock2: No wonder they have full bellies :chuckle:

No worries, excess flows into the main tank...



dsuperman February 8th, 2015 05:59 PM

I could feed my whole fishroom with your "excess" lol. Stock online photos of your C stenocephalus shows "color" in the tails,yet i don't see it in your photo of the adults.:confused:

elcue February 8th, 2015 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by dsuperman (Post 4473)
I could feed my whole fishroom with your "excess" lol. Stock online photos of your C stenocephalus shows "color" in the tails,yet i don't see it in your photo of the adults.:confused:

Trust me there isn't a shrimp left. The stenos are like chameleons when the picture taking starts. In some they're dark, others washed out, colored tails, no color in tails. In some they shine like gold tetras, others they're covered in a sooty grey. I'm going to take pictures till they look like zebra plecos and then sell them on aquabid :chuckle:

dsuperman February 9th, 2015 10:08 AM

Allow me a first bid of 39 cents, no? But they must be black with white stripes, i don't like white with black stripes!:slap: It would have to be named by you [corydorus Elqueiaiaidae] .Really,that would be a nice fish.:)

elcue February 9th, 2015 12:44 PM

Otocinclus again??
This seems to be a more active thread so I'm linking my oto question here in hopes of receiving more views/opinions



elcue March 18th, 2015 09:33 PM

Update - C stenocephalus fry - almost 2 months old

Originally Posted by elcue (Post 4450)

:fishy::fishy: Here's an update on the stenos, they're not little specks anymore, some are .75in.




elcue April 24th, 2015 07:13 PM

Krobia sp Xingu Orange guinansis****
My Krobia spawned :swim::swim: I had seen a few fry last week but they were lost... But today I saw that they had spawned again. Not the best pic, but there are a few hundred eggs in the lower left quadrant of the flower pot.



dsuperman April 24th, 2015 09:29 PM

Congratulations! I can see the many eggs pretty good in that photo. What is your game plan for raising the fry?

elcue April 25th, 2015 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by dsuperman (Post 4560)
Congratulations! I can see the many eggs pretty good in that photo. What is your game plan for raising the fry?

I’ll try to remove some once they’ve hatched, and put them in the Marina box. If the clay pot wasn’t so big, I would have put it into the Marina w/ an airstone. Then the usual, micrworms and baby brine. The eggs look good; the female is w/ them, she’ll come out for seconds and then go back; once in a while the male will check on them. Meanwhile, on the other side of the eggcrate there’s another pair going through the motions….

dsuperman April 25th, 2015 05:54 PM

Sweet! Good luck raising the fry.:)

elcue April 26th, 2015 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by dsuperman (Post 4562)
Sweet! Good luck raising the fry.:)


I just went to check and they have hatched. :):):) I moved some of the wrigglers to the Marina. The parents are searching the gravel for the ones that got away...


MRLIMPET April 27th, 2015 06:51 PM

Your Krobia are beautiful; I've always liked Acara-type cichlids. How large are the adults?

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