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Rossf1 October 20th, 2012 10:54 PM

Refrugium or berlin system
I am purchasing a aqueon proflex 4 sump.
It can be setup either way, right now I have fish and live rock but my son and I
Plan to add corals to the tank. Which system should I setup and why? Were kinda new to this.

Was thinking like. 4 inch live sand bed in the middle maybe some live rock plus the ofher plant type stuff the store recommended. Is this the right thing to do. Also this unit claims 2200 gph, what return pump should I get.

Need a narrow hob overflow box as well. Any suggestions?

stevem October 20th, 2012 11:11 PM

refug can be good, but they accumulate alot of crap
they have to be cleaned out regularly
I have used both on a reef
it is a matter of preferance
as far as the return pump, what size tank do u have first

Rossf1 October 20th, 2012 11:19 PM

Its only a 90 gallon

The lical fish store said you set it up once and there is no maintance at all as opposed to bio balls.

Is it better to just use the center with lr?

Rossf1 October 21st, 2012 07:24 PM

The aqueon 4 proflex is rated at 2100gph.

What hang on back overflow would be able to do that also what pump can i get to do that
Or is it ok to get like a 600-850gph. Does it matter?

What would you recommend i put in the refrugium section of the sump?

Hoping to set this up this week. How do you prevent flooding in the event of a power loss?

Can i install myself or should i pay someone to do this. There asking like $65 a hr

stevem October 22nd, 2012 07:52 PM

your lps is given bad advice
there is no system that do not have to be cleaned
the refug still has to be cleaned and the sand has to be changed every few years
you would change 1/3 at a time.
there still should be some kind of mechanical filtration such as floss or pads

as far as hooking it up if you do it wrong it could be a realy problem
not that it is hard to do just make sure u research it first.
the pump on a 90 gal with fish only a good pump would be a quiet one 4000
I ran that on my 90 for 5 years with no problem
it about 900- 1000 gph
another good pump is the mag 7 or 9.5

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