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robertprice June 6th, 2013 12:16 AM

Cichlid Profiles - Paraneetroplus bulleri, Sarabia Cichlid
The Sarabia Cichlid is an oddball polychromatic algae eating cichlid known only from the Rio Coatzacoalcos in Oaxaca, Mexico. It differs from most cichlids of Central America in having flattened laterally compressed teeth modified for eating algae off rocks.. It is found in rapid moving shallow rivers often less than 3 feet deep, and has an appropriately slender body for living is fast current. It has a very small mouth. It likes pH of 7.8, slightly hard water at 72 to 82 degrees.

The color varies widely, but most have 6 irregular dark spots, sometimes fused into an irregular bar, from the edge of the operculum to the last on the caudal peduncle. It can be olive green, gray, or gold with black belly spots and red or wine colored fins and face. They get up to 6 inches long.

In captivity, they should have a 55 gallon tank with gravel and rocks. They will adapt to eating most cichlid foods, but should be given pellets and flakes high in vegetable matter. They need a strong filter flow, and are substrate breeders who dig a shallow pit and scatter their eggs. Those not lost in the current are cared for and led to feeding rocks where they eat only algae and aufwuchs. They are mildly aggressive.

See Images of Paraneetroplus bulleri for pictures.

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