Brooklyn Aquarium Society - Public Forum

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kenpur October 5th, 2009 12:14 AM

BAS Giant Auction Friday 10/9
What is everyone bringing?
What can be found there in the past?

MartyK October 7th, 2009 02:17 AM

Well there will definitely be a 55gal tank & iron stand donated by Petland Discounts to be auctioned off;
and then of course there will be the usual assortment of donated FW fish & plants, SW fish, invertebrates, hard & soft coral frags, donated by local and even out of state retailers and internet dealers.The not so predictable, but always present donations by our very own member/breeders will be a spectacular assortment of "home-bred": Angels, Discus, Catfish, Bettas, Cichlids from many different regions,live aquatic plants, assorted livebearers, fresh & saltwater shrimps, more coral frags, and just about anything that you can maintain in a home aquaria and breed. Our membership never fails to bring in tanks/stands/hoods/filters that they have outgrown or upgraded that are still perfectly usable and desirable and cause a lot of exciting bidding at our fun-filled auctions.
SO, If you've never attended one of our events, come this Friday Oct. 9 - and I'll bet you'll never miss one after Friday. Don't forget to join BAS - $25 yearly dues is a deal that can't be beat ( unless you take advantage of 2, or 3 year reduced rates )
Hope to see you Friday, Marty K.

xoomer October 7th, 2009 09:54 AM

The Giant Auction is a free for all event. You don't even need to sign up that night. Come on over, see if you like it and then you can decide to sign up either that same evening or the following month.

You can find more info here...

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