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rdebonis March 8th, 2009 12:30 PM

Java Moss
I have extra Java Moss. If anyone needs some let me know. :wave:

brooklyngold January 6th, 2010 03:29 PM

i know this is old, but
i know this is old, but do you have any java moss available? I recently moved into brooklyn and a friend bought me a betta. I could really use it!

rdebonis January 13th, 2010 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by brooklyngold (Post 1237)
i know this is old, but do you have any java moss available? I recently moved into brooklyn and a friend bought me a betta. I could really use it!

Not at this time. All the Java Moss I had since the original post is gone.
If I get more I'll put out another post.

brooklyngold January 13th, 2010 06:25 PM

thanks for the reply!
i found some.

so the friend (my bro's gf) bought me 2 glo-fish danios in this sub-1gallon fish bowl with fucshia gravel. :chuckle:

i quickly exchanged the glo-fish for 2 female bettas. i know the males don't get along, but i've heard the females can get along for the most part. they chase each other around, but no ripped up fins.

so to try and ease the tension further and reduce ammonia, etc., i plainly fluffed up the moss in the bowl. it seems to be working great. they actually like swimming in the moss and don't miss the open water much. they also don't see each other as much which means less chasing around.

i also added 2 ghost shrimp and a small amano to pick up after the bettas. they're messy eaters..

Overstocked?? I'd say a bit. but the system seems to hold well. the only other thing i could think of is to add a snail which would help with ridding the "film" on top of the water (i noticed this beneficiary action in my planted 10g), as well as further breaking down the crumbs and poo.


After (yes, it sits in direct sunlight. i want to see what happens.. hahah)


10 gallon planted (at my parents house)
incandescent hood with 2 - 20W CFL's 8hrs/day
Fluval 1plus internal filter with no filter material, No heater
muhlm from previous tank + 1 bag of Eco-Complete
2 pieces of driftwood
Fauna - mixed fancy guppies (used them to cycle and didn't have the heart to give them away), 4 pygmy cories, 1 otto, MTS
Flora - moss (christmas? doesnt behave like java), crypts, Ludwigia repens (grows like a weed!), anubias, microsword.
No co2, no ferts (just fish flakes), water changes around every 3 months

Thanks again!

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