Brooklyn Aquarium Society - Public Forum

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Halfbeaks1 November 15th, 2009 01:46 PM

Wanted Austrolebias nigripinnis
I am looking for pairs of eggs of Aust. niripinnis. Please let me know price and if they can be picked up at the monthly meeting. Thank You, Mike. P.S. I may consider other Austrolebias.

JoeyG May 1st, 2010 06:03 PM

Have Whitei
I don't have Aus. nigripinnis but I am growing out Simpsonichthys whitei. I may have some eggs that haven't hatched yet and I have fry that I will bring to the May meeting.

The best kept secret to raising peat spawning kilie fry is to use 1 teaspoon of aquarium or Kosher salt per gallon of water that the fry will be growing out in. It is important to remove them from the peat water after hatching ASAP because odinium will set in and kill the fry very quickly. The salt keeps the odinium away.

Let me know.


Halfbeaks1 May 2nd, 2010 07:57 AM

Sounds Great
I would love some fry. Let me known what you want for them? I have a few Celbese Halfbeak Young that are about 3 months old and A. gardnei that are 1.5 inches. Let me know if you are interested. Mike :crayfish:

JoeyG May 2nd, 2010 11:37 PM

You can have the S. whitei fry. I can't take in any new fish for now. They will be larger by the June meeting is you can wait till then I wil bring them in for you. If you want a couple of small ones I can bring them into the May event.
Let me know.


Halfbeaks1 May 3rd, 2010 06:19 AM

Thanks Joe. June would be fine. It gives me time to make some room for them. :crayfish:

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