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SqueakyClean April 14th, 2009 10:21 PM

water changes
What is the recommened % of water changes in a reef, and how often?

bderen April 15th, 2009 10:50 AM

I change about 20% every 6-8 weeks. Many will tell you to change about 10% every 2 weeks. It really depends on a lot of factors; Bio load mainly and whether you have an efficient skimmer and a fuge.

stevem May 1st, 2009 05:39 PM

water changes
One of the responses I often get about water changes is I don't have to do water changes, because I have a good filter, or I get alot of evaporation. Neither are true.
First I don't care if you have 2 good filters water changes are a must. A filter can only take out so much of the waste, you still need to vacuum gravel, and replace water.
Second Evaporation does not take the place of water changes. when water evaporates only good clean water does all the bad stuff( fish waste, Phosphates etc) does not .So by only topping off, all the bad stuff stays, and some increase like phosphate. To sum up water changes are the most important thing to do in your tank, so don't overlook them.
Keep in mind with saltwater, salt does not evaporate so when topping off use only fresh water to replace.

alazandv May 4th, 2009 11:04 AM

eh, water changes are overrated, I kid, I kid...

I'd say it depends on the bioload of your system and whether you have a refugium or not. Experts agree on 10% weekly but can be more to correct problems if such exist.

Remember, each system is different; if you have a lot of fish, more water changes will be required to keep everything happy.

stevem May 4th, 2009 07:05 PM

water changes
I agree the amount of fish has a great impact on how often you do your water changes. Another factor is how heavy your hand is with the food. Remember fish always look hungry, but most are fine with a once a day feeding. I also skip a day about every week or two just to clean them out a little. When feeding I try to stick to this rule, if there is still food in the tank after abour a minute you fed to much. It is best to keep fish a little hungry then over feed.

bderen May 14th, 2009 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by stevem (Post 207)
It is best to keep fish a little hungry then over feed.

I honestly think that overfeeding is number 1 reason people have problems in salt water tanks. Many tend to be quick to blame it on tap water but seeing people feed their tanks makes me wanna :vommit:

stevem May 14th, 2009 08:43 PM

without a doubt.

fishtank1980 September 23rd, 2009 05:54 PM

Hello To All,

I do a 15%-20% water change every 7-10 days because my 46 bow mixed reef is over stocked with coral and fish...
Plus I have my entire sand bed covered with Acans which require 4 - 6 cubs of mysis shrimp twice a week alone...

xoomer September 25th, 2009 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by fishtank1980 (Post 835)
Hello To All,

I do a 15%-20% water change every 7-10 days because my 46 bow mixed reef is over stocked with coral and fish...
Plus I have my entire sand bed covered with Acans which require 4 - 6 cubs of mysis shrimp twice a week alone...

That is a lot of frozen food going in. :shock2:

stevem September 29th, 2009 08:27 PM

the tank looks good, keep doing what you doing if it works.

fishtank1980 September 29th, 2009 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by stevem (Post 924)
the tank looks good, keep doing what you doing if it works.

Thank You...:)

rdebonis October 1st, 2009 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by fishtank1980 (Post 835)
Hello To All,

I do a 15%-20% water change every 7-10 days because my 46 bow mixed reef is over stocked with coral and fish...
Plus I have my entire sand bed covered with Acans which require 4 - 6 cubs of mysis shrimp twice a week alone...


Very impressive tank. I better not let my wife see it. If she does I'll have to add a Reef Tank to all the tanks I have to take care. :chuckle:

Keep up the good work.

Bob D

Halfbeaks1 May 2nd, 2010 08:25 AM

I do about 1/2 the tank once a month on my 28 gal. Red Sea Max set up. I Love the tank, I have to upgrade my lighting!!

xoomer May 3rd, 2010 09:22 AM

^^^ That is a fairly large water change. In your relatively small tank do you expirience any swings in water parameters following a change?

Halfbeaks1 May 4th, 2010 07:12 AM

I know they are big changes but I never have had any problems so far (Tank has been set up for 3 years) actually the tank looks great about an hour or two after the change. I have the tank sparsely populated with a pair of small banggai cardinals and a few soft corals, zoanthus and about 50lbs of live rock. If had the time I would do 2- 30% water changes a month. I also use Chemi-Pure Elite which I change often. I think that it does a great job in keeping the water conditions stable. :crayfish:

xoomer May 4th, 2010 10:26 AM


Chemi-Pure is indeed a good product but on a pricey side. I use it too but stick to recommended swap schedule of 6 months.

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