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MRLIMPET October 25th, 2012 06:59 PM

What are you breeding?
I'm starting this thread in the hope that forum members will brag about what species of fish they are breeding & perhaps include photos. Currently I'm attempting to breed Laetacara araguaiae, a nice little SA dwarf very similar to L. curviceps. They've spawned for me 3 times in the last 6 weeks, once on the substrate & twice on a piece of shale. The parents do a great job taking care of the eggs & wrigglers, but once the fry are free swimming their numbers begin to dwindle, til after about a week all of the fry have been eaten by their parents. Out of perhaps 600 or so fry I now have one left, the smartest or luckiest of the bunch. Next time they spawn I'm going to remove the fry as soon as they become free swimming, & if I'm lucky I'll have some babies to share with my fellow BAS members.

stevem October 27th, 2012 08:29 PM

I think thats a great idea
I am currently breading self cloning crayfish, least killies, and mosquito fish
I also frag coral

Astchiefy October 28th, 2012 05:43 PM

I have been trying to breed Betta's for some time and have not yet had success. The pairing goes well, they mate up, I put them together then it goes no where. Any body had regular success?? Check out my video below...

Astchiefy October 28th, 2012 05:49 PM

I got a few different males and females which I have been experimenting with but I am debating which one to try pairing up...

Double tail
Crown tail
royal blue hybrid

Bonnie November 1st, 2012 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by MRLIMPET (Post 2506)
I'm starting this thread in the hope that forum members will brag about what species of fish they are breeding & perhaps include photos. Currently I'm attempting to breed Laetacara araguaiae, a nice little SA dwarf very similar to L. curviceps. They've spawned for me 3 times in the last 6 weeks, once on the substrate & twice on a piece of shale. The parents do a great job taking care of the eggs & wrigglers, but once the fry are free swimming their numbers begin to dwindle, til after about a week all of the fry have been eaten by their parents. Out of perhaps 600 or so fry I now have one left, the smartest or luckiest of the bunch. Next time they spawn I'm going to remove the fry as soon as they become free swimming, & if I'm lucky I'll have some babies to share with my fellow BAS members.

Ha, put me on the list for a few when and if you get any fry.
The only fish that I have that may breed for me are my blue finned Kribs. They made a nice little
home in a clay tube, fingers crossed hopefully I'll look in and see mom with some fry.

john fox November 1st, 2012 08:48 PM

I'm breeding black Moscow gups and my Africans have had some fry😎🐳

Astchiefy November 3rd, 2012 03:08 PM

Still Trying
Thanks to Hurricane Sandy my tanks dropped to 63 degrees. If it were not for my battery back up pumps and Gods hands I'd be sunk.

I hope you are still OK. There were disasters everywhere here in Brooklyn. The bettas must have a gaurdian angel... Theyre still alive and kicking.[/url]

john fox November 4th, 2012 09:23 AM

thats a great idea live well pumps<< i just hope i can get 1 before the nor easter wed into thursday comes .GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!

Bonnie November 5th, 2012 08:12 PM

A few people I know have gotten them already. I think that's next on my list. I do have a small electric power pack 400watts that is charged and will be used if I loose power.
Lets all say a prayer that this storm is a bust!

stevem November 6th, 2012 11:24 AM

i had 2 battery backups 350 watts each
they only last several hours on a full charge
with just a small power head

Bonnie November 7th, 2012 07:56 PM

Hmmm, that's not good, I better get battery operated ones.

stevem November 8th, 2012 07:23 PM

battery bu
they saved me
if i did not have them i would be cleaning out my tank now.

john fox November 18th, 2012 10:21 AM

I'm gettin a lot of fry from my Africans and I'd like to bring some into the auction my only problem is how do I catch them without disturbing the tank there is a lot of caves and rock and they are quick ?? 😟😟

Bonnie November 18th, 2012 08:03 PM

I can only say I had to remove rock and wood to get 3 bristle nose pleco's. The darn things were fast!
My boyfriend used 2 nets and herded them in,lol, it was a riot:) But seriously if they're that fast you're going to have a bit of a mess. When I took out my Geo.Steindachneri from my 75g I had a bunch of uprooted plants.

stevem November 18th, 2012 09:12 PM

that should be fun
I have done that a few times, I ended up rearanging the tank

john fox November 23rd, 2012 11:30 AM


stevem November 24th, 2012 03:30 PM

I do not agree, rearranging your tank just stresses out your fish

Bonnie November 26th, 2012 06:23 PM

You know I would have thought the same as John. I've had to move things around from time to time and they seem to like exploring. Maybe they were really saying OMG what has she done now!

Qckwzrd November 26th, 2012 11:07 PM

I currently have blue long fin danio fry, H. Formosa fry (need a new male, only have females left) A gardneri fry. I'm trying to breed some paradise fish again and a couple of killies. Also have some wild guppies in a window tank.

Bonnie November 27th, 2012 04:29 PM

Hope you breed the paradise fish again, love to get a couple for my 75g.

stevem November 27th, 2012 06:29 PM

moving decor
a great time to move things around is when you have an agreasive fish in your tank, and are adding a less aggresive fish.

john fox December 14th, 2012 07:52 PM

I have these :(small fry I would like to get out of the tank but there are a lot of hiding places and they r quick ⛄⛄any ideas .

Bonnie December 15th, 2012 08:25 AM

Wellll, don't know if anyone would agree with this but here goes. I did this many years ago when I used tubing to syphon my tanks into 30 gal garbage pails.
I took a shorter piece of tubing, started it syphoning into a bucket and syphoned up whatever fry I couldn't net out. Put a couple of gallons of tank water in and I had no problem. I think I used 1" tubing.
Bad idea...all I can say is it worked for me, it was so long ago I didn't even remember it till today while reading your reply John.

Astchiefy December 15th, 2012 08:59 PM

I use this syphon I got off ebay for $5. Works great and never gets me wet or tasting water

Astchiefy December 15th, 2012 09:07 PM

Breeding Paradise Fish
How big do those paradise fish get? are the peaceful?


Bonnie December 16th, 2012 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Astchiefy (Post 2627)
I use this syphon I got off ebay for $5. Works great and never gets me wet or tasting water

And I paid $50 for my python!

john fox December 16th, 2012 10:20 AM

Imade my python ;the fitting that attaches to the sink is a water bed drain and fill kit 8.50$ It take awhile to drain so I only refill With that setup;😍😍 I drain by suction into 5 gallon buckets doing 10 gallons a week per 55gal

Qckwzrd December 16th, 2012 03:12 PM

These are the fry, took me a few seconds to focus the camera. They are pretty peaceful fish and have been in the hobby for many years.

Qckwzrd December 16th, 2012 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Astchiefy (Post 2629)
How big do those paradise fish get? are the peaceful?


They are community fish and they are nest builders like the betta. I seperated a pair in a plastic tub half way filled with a bunch of random plants and fed the parents live worms. Took about two weeks before I seen the bubble nest and fry. I don't use a filter or heater, but once the fry hatched I use a reptile heat lamp to keep the air warm. They can get pneumonia. How's it going with the bettas?

Qckwzrd December 16th, 2012 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Bonnie (Post 2597)
Hope you breed the paradise fish again, love to get a couple for my 75g.

You got it! Hopefully I get a good amount of the fry to adult hood.

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