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fishtank1980 October 3rd, 2009 01:18 PM

Please Help Me!
I recently added a new clam to my system and had to move some live rock around to make room and when I did it seemed like something stabbed me in my middle and index finger and it felt like little sharp needles. My fingers swelled up and got really itchy and I had a throbbing pain everytime I would scratch them againest my jeans. This took place about 5 days to a week ago, now my fingers are half swollen and theres little yellow looking blisters on them and my skin turned really ruff on my 2 finger tips.:mad:
It also looks like theres a few little black splinters in them... I do not have any sea urchins in my system...
Has this ever happened to anyone else?
Please any advise will do!

Thanks, Eddie

fishtank1980 October 4th, 2009 03:21 AM

Forget it, I Think I got it... Thanks anyway...
I came to a conclusion (Bristle Worm) is the guilty one of causing me almost a full week of torture. lol

I just went to Rite Aid and bought a magnifying glass, 2 different types of tweezers, alcohol, peroxide, bandaids, Triple anti ointment, needle kit, and last but most important so this never happens again (RUBBER GLOVES). Oh and I ate one of my back pain killers.... Which I probably shouldn't of done because I feel like I took more off my fingers then I should of. lol I popped every little infected blister and squeezed out the puss and soaked my fingers in peroxide.

Thanks, Eddie

rdebonis October 5th, 2009 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by fishtank1980 (Post 941)
Forget it, I Think I got it... Thanks anyway...
I came to a conclusion (Bristle Worm) is the guilty one of causing me almost a full week of torture. lol

I just went to Rite Aid and bought a magnifying glass, 2 different types of tweezers, alcohol, peroxide, bandaids, Triple anti ointment, needle kit, and last but most important so this never happens again (RUBBER GLOVES). Oh and I ate one of my back pain killers.... Which I probably shouldn't of done because I feel like I took more off my fingers then I should of. lol I popped every little infected blister and squeezed out the puss and soaked my fingers in peroxide.

Thanks, Eddie


A little trick I learned from local divers when I was diving in the Cayman Islands and I stepped on a Sea Urchin, is to soak the infected area in Ammonia as soon as possible. It will draw out the spines and reduce the swelling and infection. The spines of a sea urchin are extremely sharp and painful and as in many marine creatures besides containing toxins the spines are alive and will burrow further into the skin after they pierce it. They can remain alive and producing mild toxins for quite a while. The Ammonia kills the spines and renders them harmless and they eventually deteriorate in the skin. This method has saved me a lot of problems over the years that I was diving, since I was stung a number of times by various animals. However a word of advice, you should never wait as long as you did to receive medical treatment. You never know if your system is allergic to certain mild toxins and you could go into Anaphylactic shock and then you will be in really serous trouble. I believe Coney Island Hospital in Brooklyn has the largest supply of Marine Antivenin's in the New York area. If you ever get stung again, I suggest you see a doctor quickly. It may be more serious next time. BTW, the gloves are probably a good idea, make sure you use them.

Bob D.

rdebonis October 5th, 2009 12:10 AM

Happy reefing and be careful out here!

fishtank1980 October 5th, 2009 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by rdebonis (Post 949)
Happy reefing and be careful out here!

Thank You very much, I went out and purchased thick rubber gloves for when I handle LR and thin gloves for when I handle my corals. The problem is I always get lazy to go out and buy gloves or when im at the store I tend to forget. NO more waking up with a numb feeling in my hands or fingers from the zoas. lol

Thanks, Eddie:)

anthonybaron November 23rd, 2013 12:20 AM

Thanks for sharing useful information.

john fox February 5th, 2014 08:41 PM

My buddy has a pair of tongs there about 2/3 ft long . If you ever saw in a grocery store they have them for reaching high up place s n, well those. are similar <*\\\\>< he uses them to move corals around.

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