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Old January 21st, 2010, 11:46 AM   #6
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Originally Posted by stevem View Post
There are medications that are plant safe. One that i can think of off hand is melafix & pimafix by A.P.I.
You have to remove the carbon in your filter before use of these. It also helps speads up the life cycle of the ich if you raise the temperture. I usually raise it to about 82degress.
I have to respectfully disagree about using Melafix and Pimafix to cure freshwater Ich. Melafix is an Anti-biotic made with an extract from Tea Trees and Pimafix is an Anti-Fungal made from an extract of the West Indian Bay Tree. Neither of these acts as an Anti-Parasitic. It is reported that the Marine version of Melafix will remove parasitic flatworms in Saltwater Aquariums, however the manufacturer does not recommend either product for use to treat or cure Ich which is a Parasite. From another source, "Although nothing kills the parasite once it has checked into it's fish "hotel", several chemicals kill Freshwater Ich once it has left the fish. Malachite green, methylene blue, quinine hydrochloride, and mepracrine hydrochloride are all effective, and are available under several brand names."

From API:

Treats cotton-like fungal infections, and both internal and external bacterial infections. PimaFix harnesses the unique antifungal and antibacterial properties of the West Indian Bay Tree (Pimenta racemosa) for a safe and natural remedy; prevents the development of resistant strains of disease-causing organisms. Will not discolor water, affect biological filter, or pH during treatment. Will not harm aquatic plants. For extreme cases, PimaFix can safely be used with MelaFix to provide the added benefit of quick tissue regeneration and wound healing. 8 oz doses 400 gallons.

Contains the natural botanical extract from the Tea Tree (Melaleuca), an excellent alternative to resistant strains of bacteria that are unaffected by traditional medications. Treats bacterial infections such as red ulcers, fin and tail rot, cloudy eyes, mouth fungus, and others in as little as 4 days. Also heals open wounds, ulcers, and damaged fins. Doesn't affect pH; safe for invertebrates. MelaFix Marine can also be used with corals to control bacterial infections, reverse coral degradation and remove parasitic flatworms. 8 oz MelaFix treats 480 gallons of marine or freshwater. 64 oz MelaFix is a concentrated formula and treats 19,000 gallons. 8 oz MelaFix Marine treats 474 gallons marine water."

You are correct however that the carbon should be removed from the filter and the temperature should be raised to 82 degrees.

Melafix and Pimafix are indicated for use to cure Bacterial and Fungal Infections that arise as a result of an Ich attack but they will not cure the Ich itself. For that you need an Anti-Parasitic drug. I believe API makes a number of them.

A word about Salt Water Ich:

I do not raise Saltwater Fish, so I know nothing about Marine Ich. I did find a few articles which may help. They all seem to recommend Copper based drugs among others and two recommend Hypo-Salinity treatment. I also understand Copper in high levels can be fatal to Corals and Fish, so follow the instructions on the label.

A word of Caution, some of the drugs that cure Ich are dangerous to Humans, so read the labels and follow the instructions carefully.

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