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Old May 25th, 2010, 04:32 AM   #5
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Okay. Let's put this issue to rest, Firstly I don't have an algae problem. I may go through 1/2 bottle a year in my Flowerhorn tanks.The question I asked was entirely casual; I wanted to know what the vendor's opibion was I should digress here to point out that fish have day and night related biorythms, just like people. Too much lght and they will not get enough rest. Too much night and they tend to become listless, lose their color, and bevelop a number of problems that effect their health.I did say 10-12 hours of light a day for Tropical Fish Tanks. This means sweet water tanks over 72 degrees with fish in them that come from Texas and Florida on south. Ceertainly there are exceptions but I wasn't referring to those. Without being overly specific about light intensity,a brands, and strange fish, the following sources agree with me that 10-12 hours is neeeded for the average fishtank. Yahoo (2 citations), (3 citations), and Tropical Fish Center. Ifyou give your standard community fish only 5 hours of light a day, they will not thrive. I don't care if Zeus comes down from Olympus and says otherwise.
Dr. Robert Price
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