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Old July 10th, 2014, 05:40 AM   #2
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Cichlids get gravid, not pregnant. (Livebearers get pregnant). If by pregnant you mean mouthbrooding, the answer is a qualified yes with many African Mbuna and Peacock mothers if you put them in a big enough tank not to fight. They will usually not bother each other's fry. The fry need to be near the same age or the older ones may attack the smaller ones, especially if different species. In a small tank the mothers may attack each other. I would be more wary with many of the bigger, more vicious Haps.

With Central American Cichlids, the answer is almost always no. Most are aggressive and territorial and will not each peacefully lay their eggs without interacting unless it was a huge tank. Also, they usually need the males to breed properly. Any two cichlids that need to wait for eggs to hatch will probably not get along together. South American cichlids are not likely to give birth under such conditions either. It disturbs their natural biparental mating process at best.

Robert Price, Ph.d, Zoology (personal experience and education)
2 pregnant cichlids in same tank. AC Tropical Fish

Dr. Robert Price

Last edited by robertprice; July 10th, 2014 at 05:52 AM.
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