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Old April 12th, 2010, 02:01 PM   #6
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Originally Posted by DanHagan View Post
If you are going to be keeping shrimp and fish together it is important to note that even the small fish that will not eat adult shrimp will, more often than not, eat the baby shrimp. If you plan on breeding shrimp they should be kept in their own aquarium or in an aquarium with AMPLE hiding spaces!

Good Luck!

Thanks for the advice, but I am not planning on breeding the shrimp. I just wanted to keep them as an interesting scavenger. So far after 8 months half the shrimp have survived and grown to adulthood. I realize that baby shrimp are like fry, they will be eaten by adult fish. So far I have been successful at raising a small number of fry that have survived by heavily planting my tanks and keeping my fish well fed. I am more of a fish keeper than a breeder. I try to keep similar species in quasi Biotope tanks and if the fish breed and fry survive that's great, if not it's no problem as long as the fish are healthy. I realize that if I wanted to breed either fish, shrimp or any other aquarium denizens it takes a little more work than I'm willing at this time to do. Besides I have a soft spot for the young babies and have a problem parting with them, so I don't think I would be a good breeder. Also, nothing beats the surprise of seeing baby fish when you didn't expect to. The main problem with my method is I have to be very selective about the fish I keep because of space and the number of tanks I need for each species.

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